Sunday, October 12, 2008

What is the Endangered Species Act?

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted to preserve endangered and threatened species and the habitats on which they depend for survival. An "endangered" species is one that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. A "threatened" species is one that is likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future.

The ESA works in two stages: First, the government protects a species from possible extinction, and then it takes steps to restore the species' numbers to the point where it is no longer threatened.

A species may also be categorized as a "candidate" for protection if the USFWS finds that an ESA listing is "warranted" but "precluded" by other priorities. What this means in practice is that the USFWS may determine that a species meets the criteria for inclusion on either list, but that the agency has other, higher priority candidates that need more immediate attention.

What Can I Do to Stop Global Warming?

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What Can I Do to Stop Global Warming?

If I do this:

I can reduce this much CO2:

Wash your clothes in warm or cold water, not hot

Up to 500 lbs. a year for two loads a week

Turn down your water heater thermostat to 120 degrees

500 lbs. a year for each 10-degree reduction

Clean or replace air filters in air conditioners

Up to 175 lbs. a year per filter

Use public transportation, walk or bike to school or work

22 lbs. for every gallon of gasoline you save

Use energy-efficient appliances and weatherize your home

3000 lbs. a year if you replace your old refrigerator with an efficient model

Use renewable energy sources--like solar heat or wind power - which don't emit carbon dioxide.

Billions of lbs. per year

Only run a FULL dishwasher, don't use heat-dry cycle

200 lbs. per year

Replace light bulbs with energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs

250 lbs. per one frequently used bulb (be sure to dispose of these bulbs properly as they contain mercury)

Install low-flow shower heads to flow of hot water

Up to 300 lbs. per year

Buy a car with good gas mileage

Up to2500 lbs. per year per 10 mpg more than your old car

It may be hard to imagine all the bad things we have done to coral reefs, but there are also things we can do to save the coral reefs. When you go to an ocean do not touch, sit on, or stand on the coral. We can try to help decrease pollution by not using lights, TVs, radios, washing machines, dryers, hair

dryers, cars, microwaves, air conditioners, video games, and dish washer as much as we do now. If you go fishing in an ocean where there is coral, don’t use objects or chemicals that will harm or damage the coral reefs and any other things in the ocean


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